This is my 5 year old son, volunteering to do the family shopping.
A very interesting, but probably unintended, consequence of online shopping is that it has...
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The Unexpected Dangers of Rise of the Guardians
Someone deserves a lump of coal in their stocking this Christmas for setting me up like that
There’s only one thing better than the medicine of laughter for raising your spirits, … … and that is introducing your son to Laurel & Hardy and allowing the MUCH stronger medicine of his unbridled laughter infect the whole house
Let’s get this party started
This is probably a bit unusual. I've not done much (any) research but I'm guessing that most 'daddy blogs' are started by new fathers, those young souls just starting out on the adventure that is...
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Grape Expectations: book review
the thought scares me enough to have to worry about the cost of the dry-cleaning bill