Let’s get this party started

This is probably a bit unusual. I’ve not done much (any) research but I’m guessing that most ‘daddy blogs’ are started by new fathers, those young souls just starting out on the adventure that is parenthood, and specifically fatherhood.

Being a ‘daddy’ is a wonderful experience of its own, and it has its many rewards and frustrations, and since we are well and truly living in the “era of over-sharing” the obvious reaction is to start a blog to capture the stories, the amusing anecdotes, to share the wisdom, vent the frustrations and generally seek to gain the approval and admiration of the rest of the world.

I’ve been over-sharing for years, mainly on the topic of wine, but that’s got a bit stale recently. Wine is great, but I feel like I’ve said much of what I want to say for the time being. I’m getting dulled by the repetition. I want to re-energise my writing.

I’ve tried blogging about other things, including trying to use it as a means to get fitter, but it didn’t last.’Fitness’ is not part of my daily life.

Kids are.

I’ve got two WONDERFUL kids, a daughter who is 8 (going on “8-teen”), and a son who is 5. [I am also very happily married to a most wonderful woman, but this place is about the kids, mainly.] They ARE the world to me, and I love to see the world through their eyes. I hope to share some of the stories of our lives which might be helpful, educational, inspiring but at least amusing for others, but mainly this is a creative outlet for me.

My Space, so to speak.

If you are passing by, feel free to *wave*


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