I am a regular attendee at The Wine Society (TWS) Press Tastings - they serve a useful double purpose; a chance to find interesting wines to recommend to the world...
On the dismemberment of UK wine drinkers

I'm looking for a graphic artist - probably someone familiar with the more modern graphic and explicit comics, that can bring to life a vision I have in my head.
This vision concerns the UK wine...
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Tonight’s Croatian wine, thanks to @mountainvalleyw
Croatia is firmly on my radar screen right now. I was bowled over by wines I tasted on the Pacta Connect table at a tasting a few months ago, and...
A surprising Sunday afternoon Hungarian fruit experience #wine
This is a rather unusual wine - unusual because of its provenance, the grapes it is made from, and the style of the wine itself.
Its a Lot to ask for – Lot18 Launches in UK

Last night a select group of individuals that combine an interest in wine with the habit of spending a lot of time talking about it on social media, gathered at Quo Vadis. The table groaned...
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