Who should taste your wine?

A post on twitter by @youngandfoodish took me to an article in The New York Times by Eric Asimov.


The article concerns the practice by *some* Sommeliers, particularly in the US as far as I know, to taste a newly opened bottle of wine before serving it.

It is a good article, if a little unbalanced on the positive side, but it had me annoyed. As I thought about it, I decided the issue was that these Sommeliers, although they are doing it as a service for customers, are really taking the role a little too seriously (read some of the “sob stories” mentioned in the article – c’mon folks, get a life!) and taking too much away from the customer.

I’ll be honest. I do not want an overdressed Sommelier with tastevin around his/her neck overplaying the selection/opening/tasting of the bottle I am to drink. I want an approachable expert who has put a wine list together that suits my pocket and the food, that is interesting and different, and can help me explore the wines IF I want it – in that case I’m more than happy to pull the cork myself!


What about you?

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