How To Cure Garlic Breath? Take a guess

So, according to Popular Science magazine, there are three easy ways to deal with this tricky social issue (well, it might be for some).

Not being a subscriber, I do not know the scientific rigour with which they addressed the solutions, but I would have to assume they were through in the search for solutions. However, I think they may have missed a trick.

According to the synopsis on the Popular Science blog, the solutions are:

Aromatically challenging. Photo from Wikimedia Commons

Aromatically challenging.
Photo from Wikimedia Commons

  • eat an apple
  • drink green tea
  • sip a beverage “ with a pH below 3.6″ – or as they put it, “swill some Lemon Juice

Now, I love swilling lemon juice around my mouth as much as the next person, but most of us are not really all that knowledgable about pH levels – or, more generally, the level of acidity, in our drinks.

One thing I happen to know, is that many wines have to balance tannin (for structure), fruit (sweetness and complexity) with acidity (for freshness), and that many wines, particularly white wines, need to have a pH of around 3.0 to 3.4.


So, there you have it (take note Scientists of Ohio State University) if you are looking to neutralise the effects of garlic breath, do what the French and Italians have done for generations, and try drinking wine!

Particularly useful if you are just heading off for a pleasant and tasty lunch!

  • David Crowley
    July 10, 2014

    We sure enjoy our garlic and wine, so I suppose have been inadvertently implementing this solution!

    • thirstforwine
      July 10, 2014

      Exactly – and the Continental Europeans have known this for ages, hence the evolution of their cuisine and wine matches 🙂