This is my clever daughter's portrait of Boris Johnson for a worthwhile competition being run by iChild, a website for children, parents and childminders - do check out the competition, and if you have...
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Getting the cork out of a wine bottle without a corkscrew
How do you open a bottle of wine with a cork if you don't have a corkscrew? It seems many of us have struggled with this issue because this particular video has been extremely popular,...
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Downton Abbey branded wine launched
I somehow missed this story here in the UK ... I fear this is either (or both) a missed opportunity, or what the Americans love to call "jumping the shark"
[caption id="attachment_1353" align="aligncenter" width="648"]
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Bringing a brick to life
I've been experimenting with a few things recently, so bear with me.
This was an experiment to bring an old PDA back to life, shared on Google+ and then embedded on the blog. Always lots to...
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